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Filial network
The Murmansk affiliate of AO Severo-Zapad was opened in December 2005.
Key lines of the affiliate’s business:
- Supply of medicines to the region’s drugstores and health and preventive treatment facilities.
- Supplies to regional privileged groups of customers via the chain of drugstores.
- Supply of medicines via federal and regional programs of preferential medicine supply.
The Murmansk affiliate’s warehouse has the following pharmaceutical licenses:
- to deal with narcotic, psychotropic and strong substances and poisons;
- to retail medicines. This allows it to supply medicines directly to preventive treatment facilities which do not have their own drugstores.
The affiliate’s director: Nina Vitalyevna Kiriyenko
Office and warehouse: 10 ul. Andrusenko, Kola, 184380, Murmansk region
Open hours from 9:00 to 18:00
Tel.: (911) 300 15 78 Tel./fax: (81553) 3-23-37
Kaliningrad affiliate of AO Severo-Zapad
Founded in March 2009, the Kaliningrad affiliate of Severo-Zapad supplies medicines, products of medical use and related products to drugstores and preventive treatment facilities of the city and region including programs of preferential medicine supplies.
If has its own warehousing complex of the total area over 500 sq.m supplied with requisite equipment and stacks in the product storing areas including areas for storing strong substances and freezing chambers meeting the applicable requirements of medicine treatment.
Warehouse and office address: 190 ul. Kashtanovaya Alleya, Kaliningrad, 236023
Affiliate director: Yelena Fedorovna Bulanchikova
Sales division: (4012) 93-56-56 93-56-62 93-51-28